In case you’re not clued up, today is April Fools Day. The one day a year where we take it upon ourselves to make one another look like total numpties through pranks and jokes. If you’re fallen for one of these practical jokes today , never fear - you’re not alone! To help you feel better about your little slip-up, we’ve put together a life of 5 dumb celeb moments to make you feel better about yourself.
No.1 Basically Anything Jessica Simpson Said On “Newly Weds”
MTV smash hit reality show that followed newly wed singer Jessica Simpson & Neck Lashay was filled with memorable moments, especially at the expense of poor Jessica. One of the most iconic moments came when Mrs. Simpson asked her hubby is “Tuna was fish or chicken?”, explaining the label said “chicken of the sea”.
No.2 Kylie Realising Things
Let’s face it, the Kardashian/Jenner clan have had more than their fair share of embarrassing moments - but it’s Kylie’s now infamous 2016 New Year’s Resolution video that takes the crown. Dressed comfortably next to an open fire, Miss Jenner takes a look back at 2015 as a whole and utters the now memeable “realising things” quote that shook the world. Kylie girl, we appreciate you trying but being ponderous really isn’t you gig sweetie!
No.3 John Travolta & “Adele Dazeem”
Over the years John Travolta has given us some serious entertainment, must we not forget “Greece” and “Pulp Fiction” to name a few. However it was this moment at the 2018 Oscars that placed him on our wollie list. When introducing “Let It Go” and “Defying Gravity” singer Idina Menzel, a slightly baffled looking Travolta called the broadway star “Adele Dazeem”, a name none of us had ever heard of and left us thinking - are you okay hun?
No.4 Britney vs Geography
When you think of Britney Spears many things come to mind, catchy songs, great dance moves, and a shaved head & umbrella combo - but we don’t like to talk about that. However, one thing that doesn’t come to mind is a woman well versed in a map. Britney B**ch has more than proved this with cracking quotes including, “I get to go to a lot of overseas places, like Canada” and “Where the hell is Australia anyway?”
No.5 Justin Bieber & Ann Frank
Honestly where do we begin with the questionable things that have come out of Justin Bieber’s mouth, but trip to Austria back in 2013 bordered the line between dumb and just offensive. When visiting the Anne Frank Museum, the “Sorry” singer wrote “ Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber." in the guest book.